Thursday, 28 June 2018
L2G33 A V 게 하다 grammar make someone do something… causative verbs
L2G33 A V 게 하다 grammar make someone do something… causative verbs
L2G33 A/V-? ?? grammar = make someone do something�~causative verbs
- V-? ??: Make/let someone do something
- A-? ??: Cause someone to be A
1. N1?/? N2?/? V-? ?? (Intransitive verbs) [N1?/? N2?? V-? ?? (Transitive verbs)] = Make someone do something.
?????? ???? 10? ?? ?? ????.
The teacher made students rest for 10 minutes.
??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????.
Mina mother made her play the piano in front of her friends.
???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ????.
The professor had the students submit their homework by Friday.
2. N1?/? N2?/? A-? ?? = Cause someone to be in a state described by the adjective
?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??.
Mark annoyed me with all his questions.
?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????.
A lot of things have happened recently to make me feel depressed.
3. V-? ?? = Let/permit someone do something
???? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??.
The mother lets her child play game for one hour.
???? ?? ??? ? ??? ????.
My parents wont let me outside at late night.
- A/V-? ??
More examples:
1. ??? ????.
- ? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???
I am sorry for being late.
- How could you make me wait for one hour?
2. ?? ??? ??? ? ????.
- ????? ?? ?? ???? ??
I bought this flower for you, Mina.
- Really? You make me really happy.
3. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ????.
Mina made me angry since she doesnt be on time often.
4. ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??.
Andy annoyed me since he asked for help so frequently.
5. ???? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ????.
Tony father made him do exercising every morning.
6. ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??.
Mark friends make him happy at his birthday party.
7. ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??.
Anna makes my mood feel better.
Specific usage:
1. When used to prohibit someone do something, ? V-? ?? is used.
??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ???? ??.
When my big sister gets a call, she wont let anyone in her room.
2. V-???? and V-? ??? express the same meaning as V-? ??.
?? ?? ?? ?? ??/??? ?????.
Mary makes me laugh.
??? ??? ?? ?? ? ???/???? ???.
The mother didnt let her child go outside alone.
Comparison between V-?/?/?/?/?/?- irregular causative verbs and V-? ??.
1. V-?/?/?/?/?/?- : the subject of sentence performs direct action for someone
??? ??? ????. -- The mother washed her child�s face.
2. V-? ?? : the subject makes someone do action.
??? ??? ?? ???. -- The mother made her child wash his face.